

A fullstack webapp with auth, managed postgresql, and analytics.

CaterQuick Thumbnail

Live Demo: https://caterquick.app

CaterQuick is a website to help customers find and book caterers, and caterers be found and booked - like AirBNB for catering. It allows the user to find, book, and pay caterers in a single easy-to-use interface. Caterers get an additional funnel to gain customers, and can use the app to manage quotes and bookings.

CaterQuick is built using Next.JS (app router). It uses Mantine UI to provide a sleek, stylish, and user-friendly UI to manage caterer bookings.

On the home screen, you can search for caterers in a city. (The hero image is AI-generated using Midjourney!)

CaterQuick Home Page

Customers can search for caterers by city, as well as (in the future) cuisines, event types, ratings, available dates, and more. I will also add the ability to upload the caterer's own pictures, showcasing events and food that they have previously catered. These caterers were collected from the Google Places API, but I am working on cold-outreach and online ads to get caterers to sign up themselves. These pages were built with SEO in mind, utilizing server-side rendering, metadata, semantic URLs, and other SEO fundamanetals to maximize reach.

CaterQuick Search

Clicking on a caterer will take you to their page, where you can see menu items with images and prices, and also request a quote.

CaterQuick Caterer Page

Requesting a quote allows you to enter in the event details, and select the menu items you want to order.

CaterQuick Request a Quote

When a quote is requested, the caterer gets an email notification (todo), and can see the details entered by the user on the site.

CaterQuick Quotes

Caterers can respond to the requests, and customers can accept or decline the quotes, right from the site.

CaterQuick Quote

Customers can accept or decline the quotes, and payment will be handled by the site as well using Stripe payments (todo).

CaterQuick Quote Customer

All the data used to be stored on MongoDB, but I recently migrated to Supabase because their auth is better integrated.

CaterQuick Supabase

All endpoints are secured using Row Level Security.

CaterQuick Supabase RLS

This app has a fully functioning user authentication system, using email-password logins, including signup confirmation emails.

CaterQuick Signup

I am currently working on the following functionality

  • The app will allow you to edit quotes as needed, and will notify both the caterer and the user about any subsequent changes via email, using Sendgrid.
  • When the event is done, the user will be able to pay for the event through the app, using stripe payments.

The site is published at caterquick.app. It currently has no users, but I am working on additional SEO and online ads to bring users on board.