
Meditation Maker

An app to create custom meditation audios using Text-To-Speech (TTS).

Meditation Maker Thumbnail

Video Demo: https://youtube.com/shorts/xgjmHSBimfU

Meditation Maker is a cross platform mobile app used to create custom meditation audios using Text-To-Speech (TTS) technology. The app was built using Flutter, with a serverless Firebase Functions and Google Cloud Functions backend, using Google Cloud’s TTS API. The app used Redux for state management, and was custom-designed using Generative AI tools such as Midjourney.

Source Code: https://github.com/arpithindukuri/meditation_maker

Opening the app takes you into the home screen. This hero image was generated using Midjourney, and edited on photoshop.

Meditation Maker Home Page

Photoshop was use to edit seperate hero images for dark mode and light mode.

Meditation Maker Light Mode

Midjourney was also used the generate this app logo.

Meditation Maker Logo

Going into the project list, we can see all the user’s projects, stored locally on their device.

Meditation Maker Project List

Opening a project allows us to edit the different blocks, adding text which can be spoken out loud, or pauses which simply play silence.

Meditation Maker Edit Project

Clicking the play button takes us to this player screen, where we can see the progress of the current block, or skip to next or previous blocks.

Meditation Maker Edit Project